Selasa, 07 Juni 2016

RPP untuk SMK jurusan PERTANIAN


Satuan Pendidikan    : SMK PANCASILA SUMBA
Kelas/Semester          : VII/1
Mata Pelajaran           : Agriculture
Pertemuan Ke-           : 1
Alokasi Waktu           : 2 x 45 menit

Topic                                       : How To Make Compost From Cow Manure
Grammar/ structure                 : Passive voice / simple present
Agricultural information         : To provide information on How To Make Compost From Cow Manure
Material resource                     : Hand out / reading text
Learning activities                   : Procedure Text
Evaluative activity                 : Answering the questions and retell the main point of the text
Time allotment                        : 2 hours
Ø  Pre-reading 20 minutes ( lead in activities )
Ø  While-reading 60 minutes
Ø  Post reading 40 minutes
New vocabulary
1)Manure            : Pupuk
2)      Argillaceous    : Berlempung
3)      Trademarks     : Merek dagang
4)      Pacemaker       : Pacemaker
5)      Aggregates      : Kelompok unsur kehidupan
6)      stacks up         : Tumpukan
7)      pathogens        : patogen
8)      Cow dung       : Kotoran sapi
9)      Binding power            : Kekuatan mengikat
10)  Embedded      : Tertanam

A.Learning Activities
Description of Activities
Time alocated
·         The teacher entered the classroom and directly address the use of the English language so English Environment can be directly created in the first meeting.
·         Teachers can use kaliamat "Good morning, students", "How are you?".
·         Ensure that students respond by answering back "Good morning, Teacher / Sir / Mam", "we are fine".
·         If students do not respond, do not always pursue studies.
·         If possible, the teacher could ask for some children individually to ensure that learners are able to respond to the words of teachers.

15 menute
·         Teacher explains the material of the material that will be presented on How To Make Compost From Cow Manure
Teacher explains step in the How To Make Compost From Cow Manure.
·         Learners repeat what is described by the teacher.
·         Teachers can explain about How To Make Compost From Cow Manure and students respond.

·         Teachers introduce the measures considered in the How To Make Compost From Cow Manure.
30 menute

·         After participating in learning activities at this meeting, students asked how he felt (REFLECTION)
·         The teacher asks questions to determine whether students have understood the topic of " How To Make Compost From Cow Manure "
·         Students are required to make the conclusions of learning at this meeting
·         Students are given the task group to study next week for project assessment
15 menute

Processing cow manure contains N, P and K high as compost can meet the nutrients needed by the soil and improve soil structure to make it better.
Land is good or healthy, the solubility of inorganic elements will increase. The availability of amino acids, vitamins, sugars and bioactive substances result from the activity of effective microorganisms in soil will increase, causing the maximum plant growth.
Here Benefits compost from cow dung You Need to Know:
1.      Improve the structure of argillaceous soil so that it becomes lighter.
2.      Strengthen the connective sandy soil so that the soil is not loose.
3.      Adding to the soil water holding capacity and soil nutrients.
4.      Improve drainage and ventilation in the soil.
5.      Have all the nutrients needed (the amount depends on the materials to make compost).
6.      To assist the process of weathering minerals.
7.      Provide the availability of food for the microbes.
8.      Reduce harmful microorganism activity.

Materials to Make Compost From Cow Manure
Materials needed to make compost from cow manure, namely:
·         FECES Cow minimum 80-83% and even better when mixed with urine
·         Powder Saws or husk or straw
·         Abu Kitchen 10%
·         Chalk Agriculture 2%
·         Material Boosters microorganism (stared) 0.25%.
Stared is one of the trademarks  microorganisms functioning pacemaker materials for microbial growth stimulants.
But if forced stared not exist, it can be replaced with compost so, because in the compost are also aggregates of bacteria or fungi decomposing organic matter that are dormant.

After all the materials are available, it's time to do the steps composting. How to make is as below:
Mix all the ingredients needed for composting ie cow dung, sawdust, ashes and lime evenly. then stacked in a place protected from the sun and rain directly.
Better if stacked in a special composting. Let stand for 1 day.
1.      The next day comb piles of compost and then sprinkle use stardec, stirring until evenly distributed. then stacked again with a minimum height of 80 cm.
2.      Let the open stacks up to 7 days, but should be maintained in order to avoid the heat and rain. On day 7, behind the stacks in order to supply oxygen to get into the material evenly. Oxygen is needed for microbial activity. Reversal material is done every 7 days.
3.      Microbial activity can be characterized by an increase in temperature. Usually the temperature increase occurred before the day 8 through day 21. At day 28, the temperature will decrease again. The rise in temperature which can occur up to 300oC. The high temperature will make the compost to be sterile of weed seeds and pathogens.
4.      The mixture of cow dung that had become compost if the temperature has been neutral and brownish black color.
Some of the reasons why organic materials such as manure should be composted before being used to fertilize plants, among others:
1.      If the soil contains enough air and water, decomposition of organic matter take place quickly so that it can interfere with plant growth.
2.      Decomposition of fresh ingredients only provide very few humus and nutrients into the soil.
3.      Structure of the fresh organic matter is very rough and binding power of the water is small, so if directly embedded into the soil resulting in very loose.
4.      Cow dung is not always available when needed, so that composting is a way of storing organic material before being used for fertilizer.

Compost from cow manure that has been created it can be used as organic fertilizer for all types of plants. According to the results of laboratory studies, compost from cow manure contains so many nutrients needed by plants, including:
·         C / N ratio of a maximum of 20
·         Total Nitrogen (N)> 1.81%
·         P205> 1.89%
·         K2O> 1.96%
·         CaO> 2.96%
·         MgO> 0.70%
·         Cation Exchange -Kapasitas> 75 me / 100 g
·         pH 6.5 - 7.5

With such content, compost produced included in the category of high quality organic fertilizer. Excellent for use for all plants, ponds and fish ponds.

Mengetahui                                                                 Weetebula, 20 April  2016
Kepala Smk Pancasila Sumba                                                 Guru Mata Pelajaran,
(Drs. Dhika Welon )                                                                (Hendrikus B. Ngongo  Sp.d)

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